Do you think Juan Luis Luna is a coward or a hero?

Is he a hero for saving the world from future violence…

or is he a coward for giving up and not facing the corruption around him?

4 thoughts on “

  1. I don’t find him to be a coward, but at the same time he didn’t do anything heroic. Neglecting to have children is neither heroic nor cowardice. I feel like he found himself in state of limbo, where there was nothing he could do. So he left it alone and stayed in a neutral position, choosing to not take a side.

  2. I believe it could go either way; each claim has its own points that can very well support it. Yet, even though he could be saving his children from the corrput society of Guatemala, he is not saving the millions of other people and future children still living in this society. So, I as well will have to go with coward.

  3. Not having children helps, but not by any means solves the problem of worldwide corruption. People will always be having children! If not Luna, then someone else. Though choosing not to procriate is somewhat commendable, it’s the easy way out. Both nurturing the next generation and eliminating it are effective ways of getting rid of corruption, but the former decision is far more humane. It may or may not be his fault, but Luna is one of the more cowardice characters.

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